Zero-In is a composable CDP design (Customer Data Platform) built with Data Mesh Principle on the cloud acting as a data activation layer that lets clients curate audiences, orchestrate journeys, and send your existing data to your frontline marketing tools powered by the security and anonymization services of GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Lightweight MMM
Taking a Bayesian approach to MMM allows an advertiser to integrate prior information into modelling, allowing you to utilise information from industry experience or previous media mix models using Bayesian priors. Report on both parameter and model uncertainty and propagate it to your budget optimisation...
Zero-In is a composable CDP design (Customer Data Platform) built with Data Mesh Principle on the cloud acting as a data activation layer that lets clients curate audiences, orchestrate journeys, and send your existing data to your frontline marketing tools powered by the security and anonymization services of GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Lightweight MMM
Taking a Bayesian approach to MMM allows an advertiser to integrate prior information into modelling, allowing you to utilise information from industry experience or previous media mix models using Bayesian priors. Report on both parameter and model uncertainty and propagate it to your budget optimisation...